Hard binding

The most sophisticated and solid binding with higher lifetime and attractivity with relatively higher price with utilization for picture publications and all types of literature. Technical processing is varied from the flat by roundish crest line, foamy covers, covers with covering materials on the entire cover or parts – half linen binding (V7).
A book block for a hard binding can be stuck or sewn

Photo gallery – hard binding

V7 – hard binding – half linen

The half linen hard binding and combined cover.
Minimal format of the calendar block (width/height/thickness): 100/140/3 mm
Maximal format of the calendar block (width/height/thickness): 280/375/80 mm or 305/375/30 mm
Minimal width of the cover over the crest line is 60 mm.

V8 – hard binding – full-cloth/linen

A full-linen hard binding with linen, paper, leather or synthetic cover.
Minimal format of the calendar block (width/height/thickness): 95/120/2 mm
Maximal format of the calendar block (width/height/thickness): 300/388/60 mm

V7+V8 – Japanese binding

Stuck binding in hard desks without a front trimming. Double sheets have instead of a front trimming a micro perforation.
Minimal format of the calendar block (width/height/thickness): 75/100/3 mm
Maximal format of the calendar block (width/height/thickness): 280/375/80 or  305/375/30 mm

V8 – flexo binding

The block for a hard binding (sewn, stuck) hung in a soft carton envelope with an off-set like a hard binding.
Minimal format of the calendar block (width/height/thickness): 100/100/12 mm
Maximal format of the calendar block (width/height/thickness): 278/310/50 mm or 290/310/50 mm
Minimal width of the bookmark 30 mm and maximal width 95 mm.

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